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I love the starting screen text and the game looks really nice. I also like the slow enemies cause I don't like losing :D . But you could make them more interesting. Some ideas: Shooting enemies? Enemies throwing fireballs and setting the wood on fire? Or something completely beyond imagination?

For me, roguelikeness would definitely imply that the game were turn based, so I was somewhat disappointed here, but I know that there are other definitions...

Thanks for the kind words! I agree there are plenty of things to improve in the game and I like the idea of enemies setting the woods on fire! Turn based rogue is certainly doable but I was going for an arcadey rogue mix, where movement is real time but combat is turn based.  I haven't implemented combat mechanics or even the movement properly (the enemies move randomly) as this game was basically done in less than 24 hours for a game jam. But yep, it's on the TO DO list.

No tension of chasing enemies, all cool and peaceful, Though once got stuck on a tree when about to reach the exit :D (but somehow got released later). Nice work

Ha ha. Clearly some work to be done. Glad you "found" freedom though! ;)

(2 edits)

cool .. .BTW  loved the starting screen..
